Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rules of Efficiency, Comprehension, Retention, and Enjoyment (Reading)

1. Preview the text as a whole so as to get a sense of its aim, structure, and context.
2. Read all subtitles and main points of the section you've set aside a designated time to read.
3. Read the entire section quickly, making brief notes as to whether a point in question seems particularly important or doubtful.
4. Reread any especially difficult, interesting, or important segments.
5. Reread everything, quickly.
6. Outline argument and ask critical questions.
    -Focus on main claims, structure, and rhetorical technique, especially particularly seductive rhythms and images.
7. Breathe deeply, think with confidence as well as skepticism--allowing neither extreme enthusiasm generate stupid ideas and flashy prose, nor hypervigilance stifle any possibility of forceful conviction--, switch between different types of text, and listen to intstrumental music, drink caffeine, or take breaks to walk around or do push-ups.

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