Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 1 of 15 pp. for the Week Countdown

What I've Accomplished So Far

1. Explanatory Letter to Professor Mascuch Requesting His Continuing Anxiety Devoted to the Completion of My Thesis, However Minimal that May Turn Out to Be

2. Some Silent Thoughts on the Many Virtues of Manuel DeLanda's Attempt to Explicate Deleuzian Process Ontology with the Clarity and Rigor of an Analytic Philosopher

3. A Basic Timeline of Quotas on My iCalendar

4. A First Draft of My Full Proposal

5. A Revision to My Barebones-Style Full Outline

6. Some Silent Thoughts on the Way in Which I'll Have to be Generous and Thorough, but not in the Least Successive in Setting Up the Argument Against Deleuze's Idiosyncratic, Seemingly Un-rigorous or Offensively Obscure Interpretation of Nietzschean Genealogy and its Supposed Relation to the Will-to-Power as Differentiator

7. Revisitation of the Deleuzoguattarian Writing Process - Turn in Something, However Sloppy a Diagram or Draft it May Be, Every Single Night; Daily Results Are Essential

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